Bridget Bardot – the sex symbol of last century
„And God make the woman”, but only in 1956 and gave her a name Bridget Bardot. The actress, ex model, singer and currently an activist, fighting for the animal rights. A complex person, mixing in herself, on the one hand, the image of a strong, independent woman and on the other – of a seductive, sexy young lady. 1956 is the year in which is released and broadcasted the movie with the original name “And God Crеated woman” /directed by her future husband – Roget Vadim/ and the world meets the new movie star – Bridget Bardot.
It`s a paradox, but a fact too the future sex symbol grows up in a rich, but very conservative family. Born in 1934 in Paris, Bridget Bardot /whose name is Bridget Anna-Mary Bardot/ is named after the favorite doll of her mom. She used to be a shy girl because she needed to wear brackets for correcting her teeth and glasses, in order to correct the early phase of astigmatism. When she is only at the age of 5, Bridget starts doing ballet very intensively and decides this is her biggest passion. Convinced in her career of a ballerina, at the age of 13 she is admitted to the National dance conservatory where her classmate is another future French actress – Lesley Caron. The first appearances on the fashion stage for the young ballerina are related to the name of her mother. Invited by a close friend of Anna-Mary /her mother/ Bridget makes a debut in the fashion show in 1949 and since then her model career is flourishing. Not turned 14-years yet, she appears on the cover of ELLE, where afterwards she has been noticed by the young movie producer Roget VAdim. A passionate love arouses between them too only a year later, but the conservative family of the young girl firmly refuses the idea for marriage, before the teenager has turned 18. This influenced the future star very negatively and she commits an attempt for suicide. After the incident, turning a back on the catholic principles with which she has been brought up, Bridget claims: “It is better to be un-believer, instead of believing in something you do not want”. However, at the age of 18 she marries her loved one, but their family happiness lasts only 5 years. After then they get divorced.
Despite the fact that the European movie industry is in its zenith in the middle of last century, Bardot is one of the few European actresses who can boost with a wide fame in the USA. 1952 stays in the history with 2 important events in the life of Bridget Bardot – her debut in the comedy “Crazy about love” and her wedding with the producer Roget Vadim. A year later she appears on the Movie festival in Kan, where she creates a real sensation and the movie critic Ivon Adams says very flattering and high words about her: “Every man dreams to meet a woman like her in Paris”. From 1952 till 1956 the career of the young actress is progressing. She participates in 17 movies amongst which are “The portrait of his father”, “King affairs in Versay”, “School for love”. However Roget Vadim does not like the bitter-sweet image that his wife creates, by participating in romantic dramas and comedies and decides to take the things in his control. In 1956 he produces “And God created the woman” and absolutely understandingly he grants the main role to Bridget. The movie tells the story of a free-spirited and independent teenager in the society of the small city and it has great success. The scene in which Bridget is dancing barefooted on the table is pronounced to be one of the most erotic scenes in the whole history of the cinema. Often it is wrongly claimed that “And god made the woman” is her first film appearance, but actually it is the 18-th
movie in her career. “One Paris lady /1957/ - this is one of the few productions, with which I am really proud”, says Bridget. The romantic comedies and dramas with a slight taste of erotica most fit the sexy star.
In Hollywood the free play of Bardot is accepted hard and she receives the label “European”. However, on the Old Continent she is pronounced for sex goddess of the decade. Even more – with her popularity Bridget Bardot contributes more to the positive balance of the French economics, than the whole French automobile industry. In her career the actress works with one of the most remarkable names in the movie business such as Allen Delon /”Known love affairs”/, Shaun Connery /Shakalo/, Jan Mare /”King affairs in Versay”/, Jana Moro /”Viva Maria”/. Jane Birkin /”Don Juan or if Don Juan was a woman”/.
In the 60-s and 70-s Bridget devotes to another one of her passions – the music. She participates in so many musical shows, mainly supported by her new love – the musician Serge Ginsburg.
Personal life
When they asked her which is the most beautiful day in her life, Bridget said: “Actually it was a night”.
She marries for the first time in 1952 – to her first big love – Roget Vadim. Except the gentle age of their daughter at that time, her ultimately conservative parents do not agree also with the east-Christian religion that Roget belongs to. In order to receive the blessings of her beloved`s family, the producer accepts the catholic religion. The reason for their divorce is the affair of Bridget with her partner from “And God created the woman” – Jan-Lui Trentinian. Despite the break-up the actress maintains healthy friendly relations with her ex husband and both of them keep on working together. The bond with Trentinian also do not develop so great and after 2years living together they break-up. In 1958 the world is shocked by a new attempt for suicide, committed by Bridget BARDOT. The star falls in a very serious depression and she takes in a large amount of sleeping peels. “I really wanted to terminate my life in some of the hard periods for me”. The death was like the love – a romantic escape. I took the pills, because I did not want to jump through the window and people to see how I lie helplessly down there”, shares Bridget. In 1959 she marries the actor Jack Sharie from whom she has her only son – Nikola Jack Sharie. Bridget does not want this pregnancy and she even compares the baby that is growing in her with a tumor. After the divorce with Jack Sharie in 1962 the little Nikola is sent to the parents of Sharie, without maintaining close relations with his famous mother. The third marriage of Bridget is to the German milliner and playboy Gunter Zahs – and it also fails. Not once she has said that men are bests, but even the beasts do not behave like men. Four turns to be her happy number, since after long years of unhappy life and wrong choices, she finally finds the man of her life in the face of the politician Bernard d-Ormal. Through the years of her shiny career Bridget maintains the image of seductive star and a sex symbol with multiple love affairs, failed romances and unsuccessful marriages with famous and not so famous actors, producers, musicians etc. “people may call me “a bitch and bad woman – sais she, - but I live in peace with myself.”

Animals also do have rights…
„I gave my beauty and youthfulness to men, now I am going to award my wisdom and experience to the animals.”.
Bridget Bardot withdraws from the movie industry at the age of 39 in order to accentuate on her love to the animals. In 1986 she sells her apartment, her jewelry and other precious belongings in order to create a foundation “Bridget Bardot” which main mission would be to fight for the rights of the animals all over the world. Despite her vegetarian view, Bridget admits:: “Cows are fed to be eaten, dogs - not ”. 2 years in a row she awards more than 140 000$ for the cares for more than 300 000 homeless dogs in Romania. Afterwards she built buildings where homeless animals can be sheltered.
Politics and a civil position
In the 60-s , influenced by her husband Bernard d`Ormal, Bridget interferes in the political life of the country, by supporting jealously the president Sharl de GOl. In 1998 she makes public announcements regarding the increasing number of muslins in France and as a result she needs to pay a fee. She has the same fate when in 1999 writes the book “The square of Pluto”, where she openly criticizes the Muslim traditions. In 2001 in her article, named “Open letter to my lost France”, she writes” “…my country France, my dear home is again overcrowded by foreigners and mainly – Muslims. Due to these claims she has been taken to court 5 times for an “attempt to start a interracial hatred”.
The style of Bridget
Bridget Bardot stays in the history also with her original style, influenced many women all over the world. In 1959, at her wedding with Jack Sharie, the actress appears with hair, put up high in a hair style of the type “beehive” and dressed in light pink dress. Therefore she is the first to bring the fashion of volume hair up-does and clothes in shiny, bright colors. Bridget also popularizes the appeared on the market new type bathing suit – bikini, in which she is dressed in one of her first movies – “the woman without a veil”, where she plays the role of Manina. Several years later, already acquired confidence in her sexy look, the beautiful actress has been noticed topless on the beaches in San Trope.
This is her style – unique. Never obeying eagerly supports her position, the sex symbol of several decades, one of the most beautiful women of all times. God named her Bridget Bardot…
November 2008