Love and Sex
When He is talking, why You are not understanding what he says?
There is a joke, old as the world – for a woman that is torturing her husband with the question: “Tell me how you feel?” And after long admonishment the man replies: “Well, I feel like I watch TV”.
The shocking truth is that a lot of men really do not think seriously what feelings they have etc. our attempt to try and reach a successful communication with them, without taking this fact into consideration, will be destined to failure. The investigations show that men use the language to differentiate one thing from another and to demonstrate independence. For example, may sit and watch TV in continuation of long hours, without even talking between each other. Despite that they will not feel any lack of communication. With women can be observed exactly the opposite situation – the conversation is the glue that sticks and holds the relations.
When men need to communicate, they often say one thing, but mean something else
When you are at the phase Date with a certain man
He says: „Well, if you want we can go together?”
He thinks: „You are great!”, but is afraid to admit it.
He says: „You are a really good person”.
He thinks: „We are not gonna see each other again”.
He says: „Let’s be just friends”.
He thinks: „You are not my type, but you can introduce me to your girlfriend”.
He says: „I will call you!”
He thinks: „ I really want to call you, but I am afraid that you will say yes, we will go out and then I will get disappointed. Or even worse, I will not be disappointed. Do I really want to go through all these problems of dates. To get married? To have children? Oooofff!
He says: „We are just seeing each other”.
He thinks: „We spent five nights together, we had sex in the last one. But it does not mean that there is something special between us”.
He says: „We will see each other”.
He thinks: „I like you and another woman”.
He says: „I think we need to see each other more often”.
He thinks: „I am afraid that if I do not make certain things more often, you will start meeting and somebody else”.
What does he say when he wants sex
He says: „This is our third date, right е?”
He says: „Is it very warm here or it is just me that feels that way?”
He says: „What time do you get up for work?”
Той мисли: „ I WANT SEX!”
He says (in the middle of a great orgasm): „I loved you!”
He thinks: „I love these unique things that you are doing with your fingers/ tongue/ body now”.
He says (right after sex): „it would be great to show you where I have been born /or something else related to the future/”.
He thinks: „Whether you think about your ex or how much better than me is he?”
He says: „I do not seek for nothing serious”.
He thinks: „I just want to have some fun”.
He says: „how many guys have you dated?”
He thinks: „I am the best, right?”
What does he say when he is serious
He says: „I really like you”.
He thinks: „I think that I fall in love, but if I say it, then there’s no going back”.
He says: „My girl!”
He thinks: „He wants you to make him breakfasts, to fix your car and his friends have no right to flirt with you”.
He says: „There’s nothing, I’m ok”.
He thinks: „O, god, I know that you want to speak about how my day has go, how are my colleagues, what did my boss say. But the only thing I want is to eat some chips, dream couple of beers and to relax”.
He says: „Maybe we need to slow down a little bit”.
He thinks: „Maybe YOU need to slow down a little bit”.
He says: „I do not know what I want”.
He thinks: „I do not want you”.
He says: „I need some free space”.
He thinks: „I am on the way to break up with you, but currently I do not have any patience or time to do it”.
He says: „You are an amazing woman!”
He thinks: „ You are an amazing woman!”
He says: „I love you!”
He thinks: „you make me incredibly happy always when I am around you. I think that you are SHE.”.
What does he hear while you are speaking
Men not always hear what exactly you are saying to them. Which means that not every time they understand what we are trying to tell them.
You say /after you have just met each other: „have you been listening to the music of this band before? ли си преди тази група?”
He hears: „I want you!”
You say: „what do you do?”
He hears: „do you earn enough money to take care of your future family?”
You say: „My ex is crazy; he does not stop calling me. At some moments I am scared.”
He hears: „I am still in love with my ex”.
You say: „what are we going to do on Saturday evening?”
He hears: „I want you forever till death splits us”.
You say (after you’ve made love): „This was nice”.
He hears: „This was the best sex in my life. Let’s do it again!”
Text beneath a photo
Top 10 of the lies that he says
Be aware if he says any of the following statements
1. But I tried to call you.
2. I have not received your message.
3. I haven’t even noticed how she looks.
4. Sex is not the most important thing.
5. I will be very careful.
6. We will talk about it later.
7. No, I am not crazy.
8. I can fall in love with you right this second /wait a second and ask him how does he feel/.
9. I lost the battery of my cell.
10. I will work additionally this evening.
How do learn to speak like them…
…or how to speak to a man in a way that he understands us correctly:
men use words in order to stimulate a certain reaction or action. So if I man says something very straightforward to another man, he automatically thinks that the other one wants to fight. Therefore if you tell him: “I really like your t-shirt”, he will immediately assume that you want to take it of his back.
The scientists of one university in Houston make an interesting research of the male speech. The psychologists there claim that men do not speak and do not reveal because they want to maintain for themselves the authority in the relations. This way they leave their beloved ones wondering for the answers that she want. Do the same! Put him in a position in which he does not know what you think and he will feel less confident, which is equal to weaker than you in the relations.
Men do not like to speak about their relation. For them discussing the relationship is oftentimes identical to nonsense and useless talks. Important to them are the actions. Their logic is that they should not speak so much about how much they love you and how they feel in your presence. It is all very simple – I do not love you, I go away. Here is how they think: “if we need to talk about us, then the relationship has some issues. We have let a conflict to arise and it is slowly ruining the relation now. It is time to go away.”
The man will claim that he is alright even if he has just landed on the floor after a virtuosic flight form the roof of the house. This is so because seldom men admit that they are not always so strong to deal by themselves with their problems. The demonstration of weakness really affects their position between relatives and friends. Plus they do not want to admit that their beloved woman may be stronger than them and deal easily with tough situations.
How do find out if he really loves us
Of course there are words that surely show presence of serious feelings – girlfriend, love and commitment. But after all men do not speak so much, but act – therefore it is more important to know what they usually do and not what they say. A man really loves you if he:
Allows you to drive his car /especially if it is a Ferrari/
Offers you to spend the weekend together
Introduces you to his friends
Stops wearing the old, crappy and stained t-shirt because he knows that you hate it
Calls you without absolutely no reason
Wants to talk after having sex
What he does not want to hear from you
These are some things that he definitely does not want to hear from you /and it is highly likely that he really becomes death when you start talking about them/
You say: „Baby, we need to talk”.
He thinks: „No, you have a need to talk, and talk and talk...”
You say: „What are you thinking about?”
He thinks: „For example for a pizza. And really he thinks about that. Maybe he is wondering why it has a circle shape or why they do not put ingredients on both sides. It’s his business. But in any case he does not draw any connection between the pizza and the state of your face, irritated by a fake cream. Neither is he implying that the size of your booties is quite enlarged because you always eat the last piece of pizza in the box.”
You say: „Do you think that this girl is beautiful?”
He thinks: „even if for a short moment he hesitates to say “no” this will kill his chances for sex tonight… if not even in any other evening.”.
You say: „How do I look…but seriously?”
He thinks: „honestly, you look wonderful. And this is exactly why I am with you.
October 2008