Let’s save out kids from the TV and PC Mania
The summer holiday is over now, outside you can feel the autumn aroma and the start of the new school year is already a fact. Our children, put on their backs the heavy ransacks, head to the school yard, however, they sneak in every possible moment they have and stay in front of the TV and the computer. Instead of playing games outdoors with other kids or doing some sports, they just stare in the monitor or the TV screen and this can go on with long, long hours. Not only that this is physically not healthy, but it is even devastating. One serious problem that we, the parents, after all can solve. The kids` psychic is not endless like a large sea, in which even the slightest movement can cause a storm to arise. Due to this fact the grown-ups need to be very cautious and delicate. By finding the right approach, we can make our children look around them and to notice that the real world is much more attractive than the one of the virtual feelings and emotions. Let’s not waste even a minute more and get to work!
Let the kids feel our love
Above all we need to behave in such a way that the little creature should start feeling how much loved he or she is. Then they feel more secure, do not feel any fear and can freely explore the world around them. Even only the thought that there are people who protect him and he can always count on the help of mammy and daddy, makes him more confident in his actions and more persistent in pursuing his goals and dreams.
The ability to make them feel at ease and start communicating openly
The good parent is seeking hard and surely finds the right approach to his kid. Every day and every hour he is listening, observing and communicating to him. When he is already a part of the thoughts, feelings and desires of his kid, in each and every moment, by knowing the excitements, happiness and grief of his little one, the parent can become a much more better listener, adviser and most of all a friend. One we have become the best friend of our kid, then our main goal is fulfilled. From then on we are able to change entirely or at least to a very large extend what we do not like or think is not healthy…
Let’s show them that there are also other means of communication and information exist
The TV and the PC are the main enemies of 21 century. They spend more and more time in front of them and we, busy with our everyday hectic life, even do not notice this dangerous tendency. This is our biggest mistake. Even if these to information channels are very important today, they should not be our only window towards the world. Because they are not…
Let’s teach them how to enjoy the nature
If we pay a little bit more time and attention to our kids, most of all we will have the chance to introduce them to the nature and the many benefits the contact with which brings to us.
We need to take every opportunity to take them outdoors: in the mountains or in the near park – it does not matter, the important thing is for them to feel the freshness of the clean air, the warmth of the sun and the freedom of the open space. When they run free and play, when they meet other people as well and exchange thoughts and experience with them, when they are impressed by all the attractions out there, they themselves we start more often to want to go out for a walk. And this will surely reduce the time that otherwise they would spend watching some stupid movies or browsing around the internet space. The nature is health and our kids should know this!
Let’s teach them to love the books
Already achieved the reputation of a friend to our own kids, we are a few steps ahead in the educational process. From the position of their friend, we will be granted the benefit to look in a different way in the eyes of our little ones and our advices will be accepted without any hesitation. Exactly this is the important key to success~
This is the very moment when we need to speak most of the good use of reading a lot of books, for the incredible world that the books can reveal to us, for the wisdom that we can learn from them. We need to give them books as a gift and then discussing them together, to play roles from them, to provoke their interest and the thirst for new impressions. Their curiosity will increase with every single day and they will strive to more and more knowledge. Let’s help them in this so important and not so easy undertake!
October 2008